熱物性Vol. 31, No.3 (2017) 通巻116号



 大村 高弘

論 文

 森田 慎一,平田 光樹,早水 庸隆,山田 貴延,堀部 明彦,春木 直人

 森田 慎一,長谷 知将,早水 庸隆,山田 貴延,堀部 明彦,春木 直人

 曽我 宏輔,齊藤 卓志,石川 和紀,川口 達也,佐藤 勲

解 説

 A Memoire on the Early History of ATPC (The Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference) - Part 2
 Akira Nagashima

講 座

 馬場 哲也

案 内

 第38回日本熱物性シンポジウム - 最終会告 -
 竹歳 尚之


Netsu Bussei Vol. 31, No. 3 (2017)
Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties

Thinking about Changing the Research Environment
T. Ohmura

Heat Storage and Release Characteristics of Nanosuspension Type Latent Heat Storage Material
S. Morita, K. Hirata, Y. Hayamizu, T. Yamada, A. Horibe, N. Haruki

Viscosity Evaluation of Nanosuspension Type Latent Heat Storage Material
S. Morita, T. Hase, Y. Hayamizu, T. Yamada, A. Horibe, N. Haruki

Prediction of Instantaneous Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Filler Dispersed Polymer Composites
K. Soga, T. Saito, K. Ishikawa, T. Kawaguchi, I. Satoh

A Memoire on the Early History of ATPC (The Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference) - Part 2
A. Nagashima

Role of Databases for Science and Technology (9)
T. Baba

Final Announcement of 38th Japan Symposium of Thermophysical Properties
N. Taketoshi

News from Society
